Los Angeles, USA
Los Angeles, USA
Since 1995, the East Los Angeles Community Corporation (ELACC) has been dedicated to reducing displacement, building community, and creating financial empowerment in East Los Angeles, a 95% Latinx community located east of the Los Angeles River. Presently, ELACC is piloting a Community Land Trust (CLT) as a means of providing their constituents with secure housing that is dignified, affordable, and community-controlled.
This project aims to do three things:
1) Identify site selection criteria for the CLT.
2) Offer a menu of principles and amenities that CLT developments should include.
3) Imagine how these principles and amenities might take form on a specific site.
The physical proposal—proposed for a county-owned lot that ELACC is presently trying to acquire—aims to integrate affordable housing while also expanding the public realm by way of parks, playgrounds, art and media centers, markets, daycare facilities, and other neighborhood-friendly amenities.